Command menu item

The command menu item is a menu item that executes a function when selected by the user. It is useful for creating menu items that perform a specific action when selected.

This can be used in various scenarios, such as:

  • Controlling a device or sensor (e.g., turning on a motor)

  • Changing a setting or configuration (e.g. saving a setting/value)

  • Triggering an event or action (e.g., sending a message)

There are two variants of the command menu item:

Basic command item

The basic command menu item is a simple menu item that executes a lambda function when selected.

A command menu item can be created using the following syntax:

ITEM_COMMAND("Item 1", []() {
    // Function body
// Function definition
void myFunction() {
    // Function body
// Create a command menu item
ITEM_COMMAND("Item 1", myFunction)


Let’s take a look at an example of a command menu item that simply prints a message to the serial monitor when selected:

ITEM_COMMAND("Print Message", []() {
    Serial.println("Hello, world!");

When the “Print Message” menu item is selected, the message “Hello, world!” will be printed to the serial monitor.

$ Hello, world!

Another example of a command menu item is the ITEM_BACK, which is used to navigate back to the previous menu screen. This is useful when you don’t have a dedicated “Back” input button on your setup.

// You can also pass a custom text for the back item

When the “Back” menu item is selected, the menu will navigate back to the previous screen.

Find more information about the command menu item here and the back menu item here.

Toggle menu item

The toggle command menu item is a menu item that toggles between two states when selected by the user.

A toggle command menu item can be created using the following syntax:

// The initial state of the toggle menu item is set to false
ITEM_TOGGLE("Item 1", [](bool state) {
    // Function body

The toggle command menu item takes a lambda function that accepts a boolean parameter representing the current state of the item. There are other ways to create a toggle command menu item, check the API reference for more information.


Let’s take a look at an example of a toggle command menu item that toggles an LED on and off when selected:

// The initial state of the toggle menu item is set to false
ITEM_TOGGLE("Red LED", [](bool state) {
    digitalWrite(LED_PIN, state ? HIGH : LOW);

When the “Toggle LED” menu item is selected, the LED connected to the LED_PIN pin will be toggled on and off.

Toggle menu item