This is a list of Frequently Asked Questions about LcdMenu. Feel free to suggest new entries!

How do I get started with LcdMenu?

To get started with LcdMenu, follow the steps in the Getting Started guide.

How do I create a custom menu item?

To create a new menu item, you need to extend the base menu item class and implement the necessary methods. Check the API reference for more information.

How do I update a menu item on runtime?

To update any attribute of a menu item on runtime, you need to call the appropriate setter method.

For example, to update the text of a basic menu item, you can call the MenuItem::setText() method. Then call the LcdMenu::refresh() method to refresh the screen.

How do I hide the menu?

To hide the menu, you can call the LcdMenu::hide() method. This will clear the screen and stop the menu from rendering. To show the menu again, call the LcdMenu::show() method.

You can find extended discussions on the GitHub repository.