Input item

The input item is a menu item that allows the user to input a string value. The input item can be used to collect user input and store it in a variable.

The input item has the following properties:

  • label: The label that is displayed on the screen.

  • default: The default value that is displayed in the input field.

  • callback: A callback function that is called when the input is submitted.

The input item can be created using the following syntax:

You can create an input item by specifying the label and the default value:

ITEM_INPUT("Name", [](char* value) {
    // Callback function to handle input submission
    // value is the string value entered by the user
    // Do something with the input value

When the Name menu item is selected, an input field will be displayed on the screen, allowing the user to enter a string value.

Example of an input menu item

You can create multiple input items in the same menu screen, each with its own label and default value.

This item can be further extended by creating a new class which inherits from ItemInput, for example you might need to:

  • Validate the input value before accepting it.

  • Limit the input length.

  • Display a message when the input is submitted.

  • etc.

class CustomInput : public ItemInput {
    CustomInput(const char* label, const char* default_value, fptrStr callback)
        : ItemInput(label, default_value, callback) {}

    void on_submit(const char* value) override {
        // Custom logic to handle input submission
        // value is the string value entered by the user
        // Do something with the input value

For more information about the input item, check the API reference.